Sunday 20 September 2009

the candle burns too bright

so i am now in sheffield, and absolutely loving it already! currently sitting in my room (still half unpacked) stealing next doors wireless internet (aha) and about to go down to meet the girls for a hot chocolate.

getting up here was the biggest journey ever. my dad got the smallest van, natually ignoring my advice to get a transit given how much furniture we had, so it took about 2 hours to squeeze everything in & i was terrified on the journey up that the back doors were going to open and my stuff would end up all over the M1. But we made it successfully up to sheffield, got into the house without setting the burglar alarm of (success!) and starting shifting my mountain of stuff upstairs.

that was yesterday, and after a mammoth food shop (including olives & brioche, what a result!) and some more home stuff shopping today i am finally beginning to feel a little bit settled. the only thing i cant do is listen to my music on my tiny laptop speakers, so i just ordered some epic speakers off amazon to complete my room.

laura and sarah arrived earlier today & abi is arriving tommorow morning. i can't really afford to go out this week, but i am not really bothered, because i did the whole freshers thing last year and i cant be bothered to go out every night. plus i wanted to spend the last of my overdraft on some speakers, and they cost the same as a night out anyway. a much better investment i feel!

tommorow i am going to have a nice lie in and a quiet one i think, supposed to be going to embrace tommorow night but we will see how i feel when the time comes.

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