Monday, 10 August 2009


Today has been one of those strange days, a perculiar morning but it ended well. Was due a driving lesson this morning, but felt really funny and tired/dizzy. Still got into the car, but kept making silly mistakes that I don't normally make (surprisingly, i'm not actually that much of a terrible driver it transpires), so my driving instructor told me it would be better if we just did an hour instead of two. Probably a good thing, considering as soon as I got out of the car I really did not feel great and had to go and have a long lie down (after buying a massive apple tart of course).

Then, whilst I was on the phone to Jess, Alex turned up at my house to my surprise and we ended up journeying to Sainsburys to buy curry related items. After cooking the most epic vindaloo ever (with extra chilli, just how i like it) we watched Apocalpyto. It's nice just to have an evening with him, we are both so busy all of the time...

I'm waiting for alot of things to come to fruition at the moment, so this seems pretty relevant to me...

Went round to Fay's last night, and she cut a blunt box fringe into my hair. I love it, its like i'm channeling Karen O (if she had a massive round face like me of course). Not a very practical haircut for the festival season as it is high maintainence, but I absolutely adore it.

Im going to watch the Green Mile tonight, and then spend tommorow questing for the perfect festival hat to cover up my greasy hair with Anna.

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