Saturday, 12 December 2009

Bone Structure (D$R21)

So i'm in that stage of waiting to go home before the end of term. I have no money left, and no work to do. The house has descended into a pre-christmas madness, involving wearing the contents of eachothers underwear drawer in order to distract people from doing their essays.

We had a proper, adult-style dinner party on thursday. Lots of fajitas and chilli and 'I have never' (probably not the most adult thing but its fine) and winnneee.

Last night chilled & watched BLOW with the girls & Alex. Ended up being woken up by a hilariously/tragically drunk Sarah at 3.37am. Now I am playing jade dynasty instead of doing research for my january assessments...

I really want a silk leopard print cardigan. Alas, no funds...

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