Thursday, 3 September 2009

Church Mouth

So it transpires I am terrible at updating this thing, or at least I have been for the last 2 weeks. Its been so hectic I am trying to remember what I have to write about...

I have been working quite alot, and keeping myself extremely busy on my days off (this, coupled with reading festival, might explain why I am currently horrendously ill). I went up to Sheffield for a weekend to stay in the new house and see Sarah & Alan. It was so nice to get away from the drama of Bracknell/Reading for a weekend and get a feel for the house. I am defnitely in love with it now, its going to be such a nice place to live once we have all moved in (in like 3 weeks!!) and filled it with our trinkets. So far I have acquired an undersheet and a fur throw for my room, and found the pefect bedding which I have yet to purchase (edit: have now purchased). We spent most of the three days I was there chilling, discovering our new local, cooking fajita's, watching x-factor/comedy shows and smoking/gossiping in our lovely concrete garden which overlooks the city. I also spent about 3 hours sticking some photos to the walls in my room in order to start transforming it, and had to share a bed with Sarah for the whole duration of my trip because the house still creaks and scares me slightly/alot. This fear of the house might have something to do with the fact we have a spindle and a sacrificial stone table in our basement. On the monday me and Sarah went for a pub lunch and I had to run like a dick'ed down WEST ST. for the tram. But it was lovely, apart from the train journey home...

Then I worked all week in preparation for the mighty READING FESTIVAL 2009! the wristbands were black this year, as opposed to mustard like 08 (thankgod!). I had the best Reading Fest of my life this year actually, took me completely by suprise as I was in a bad mood about it for most of this week and thought I would have a terrible time. But it turned out to be amazing, and bar not seeing Alex quite enough it was perfect. Because I can't be bothered to write an overly detailed account of the entire weekend I have created a collage of images to give you an idea of how insane it ended up being...

I suppose not alot of these images really make an impression out of context. Best bits of the weekend include Lauren taking strangers hostage for several hours screaming "CHOOSE ONE, MAKING YOU BETTER FEELING" & screaming "TIMMMAAAAAAAYYYY" right in a disabled person's face (I know morally this is not funny, but after laughing gas it has hilarious comedic value), the fur jackets, human kitkat, singing afternoon delight and rounds of frere jacquesat 5am, the angry bob marley mob on sunday night ('BOBMOB'), seeing YYY's/Deftones/White Denim/Bloc Party and rediscovering a previous love for Lost Prophets, "50BAHTSCHNOOOTERRRSSS", the abundance of drugs and the abundance of photos with drugs in that I can't post on facebook, eating 150 cheesestrings, getting a massive puffy cider face, eating burritos and jon drunk running at people with an inflatable chair.

Essentially, the best weekend ever!!

However, I am currently suffering for it, having contracted something hideously nasty, like a flu mixed with norovirus, so I am currently wrapped up in bed unable to eat with a stinking headache.

Off to France next wednesday to see Ilda, so excited its impossible to contain it!!

1 comment:

RhiannonDavis said...

like that human kitkat made it into the lowdown ;)

I really like your blog. will bookmark it for reading, when I'm avoiding doing uni work :) x