Sunday 11 October 2009

I'm In Awe, Amadeus.

I definitely need to get better at updating this blog, but life has been moving so quickly that I havent had a chance. Tonight I headed down to the Harley and saw MAYBESHEWILL and CATS&CATS&CATS with Alex, such a lovely chilled out evening of post rock and jack daniels. It is nice to spend some time together indulging ourselves in our weird musical interests. There were also only about 20 people, which was odd, and I bought a vinyl copy of their latest single (I have decided to start collecting vinyl again like I used to when I was younger, now I just need my own decks seeing as my dad wont let me have the one from home!)

I have been keeping myself busy doing work and reading for my course, I am finding the workload makes it difficult for me to live an exciting student life. Nonetheless, I have been out a fair bit, the below photos are from the ENGSOC SCRABBLE SOCIAL that I ended up attending on a whim, and had an awesome time...

I need to finish sorting my room out, it is so massive that I haven't finished decorating it and I reckon it could take at least another month. But I will definitely post photos when I am done.

In other news, I have tickets for BAT FOR LASHES & MUSE over the next two weeks, and couldn't be more long as muse play 'plug in baby'...

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